Hello hungry peoples,
Today we are going to do some brunch. To have brunch I have to meet up with my brunch peeps. We have spent years working our way through Canberra’s brunch menus and have yet to complete our mission. This started pre-kids but thankfully my brunch pals have been exceedingly tolerant of my desire to make mini better versions of myself. They get a taste of eating out with children and then get to go back to their lovely quiet and clean house, probably feeling an overwhelming sense of relief. Little Oink is our latest brunch adventure.
Little Oink is part of the suburban shopping centre refurbishment that seems to be going on. Empty, desolate shopping centres are turned into little hipster havens. Kinda ironic given the suburban setting is not the natural habitat of the hipster. Little Oink follows this trend. It is adorably kitsch. Lots of little teapots and what nots with bold and bright colours. The furniture seems like the owner made them from pallets in their spare time. In reality they probably paid quite a lot for the semi-functioning tables. The place was buzzing when we visited and is obviously very popular with the locals.
The pig theme follows through from the giant ride-able pig out the front to a very pig-centric menu. They do move beyond just throwing bacon in everything. They have pork belly on sweet potato rosti and pork pies with Brie on toast. They also get extra credit for introducing me to something entirely new, the bacon snitzel. How crazy is that? Why have I never seen it before? Definitely worth the trip just to try it. My brunch buddy who had it with his “wild boar breaky” seemed like a very happy man.

My other brunch buddy and I had the zuchini, spinach and fetta fritters with a beetroot puree. I have never had much luck with my zuchini fritters. It is really hard to get them cooked through and to get enough flavour into them. These fritters inspired me to give it another go. They were salty, crispy and flavourfull. Just delicious.

Whole meals are pretty limited, with only two choices, but they both sound delicious. You can choose between an orange and fennel pork belly with a pickled vegetable and pumpkin puree or a moroccan slow roasted lamb. Nom nom!
Little Oink is a slice of piggy hipster heaven. The cafe is adorable and there are enough interesting things on the menu to keep any foodie happy. I am super keen to go there again when I am in the mood for bacon and feast on their bacon snitzels. Get in my pork belly!